Friday, March 03, 2006

Transcripts:Stephen Tong on the Reformed Movement

Seminar on the Reformed faith in Singapore
A 4-day (Feb 23-26 ) theological seminar by Reverend Dr Stephen Tong on the topic of the Reformed Movement was held at Newton Life Church.

Personally, I've always been very encouraged by his messages, whether it's the exposition of Romans, hebrews or james. On the topic of the Reformed Movement, He too encourages the Church to move towards a living that is more consistent with what the bible espouses. If you missed Stephen Tong's reformed seminar, here are the notes of the theological seminar which a wonderful lady (though i do not know her!!) called Mejlina uploaded. I hope that you'll be similarly encouraged!

The links:
23rd Feb Introduction to Reformed Evangelical Movement
24th Feb Its History
25th Feb Its Position
26th Feb Its Direction

For more information about him, one can visit:

The essence of his message is -
Important aspects of Christian faith:
1. Strong orthodox foundation - like the skeleton that gives framework
2. Evangelical fervency - like the flesh that cover the skeleton
3. Holy Spirit's work - like the blood that flows through our body, this makes a difference between a mechanical thing and a living being. The Church is the Body of Christ.

Our task:
1. Gospel Mandate - to the chosen ones
2. Culture Mandate - to the entire world

Reformed foundation:
Core Values: Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria

Direction :
God-centered religion, God-centered theology, God-centered faith, God-centered church, God-centered pulpit

History to understand the modern world: Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment

To return to God-centered foundation & to decisively surrender ourselves and sacrifice our lives for the right faith.

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