Friday, January 20, 2006

Hearing God In the Scripture?

Very often, we read the bible & ask this question, "Where is God? Why can't I hear/experience him?".

This question leads me to another question, "Why do we have negative experience?" Maybe it is to lead us to God! How can this be possible? Yes, it is possible. The bible says so!

“Many people in the bible were called during intensely negative experience. However, what the Bible people discover to their astonishments is that their so-called negative experience often turns out to be stunningly positive.” (R. K. Hudnut. Call Waiting: How to Hear God Speak. InterVarsity Press, 1999.) For example, Hannah heard God speaks in anguish. For Job, who has often been characterized as the perfect Christian, his call came in times of arrogance.

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