Monday, April 24, 2006

A Godward life results in a happy marriage!

Numerous studies suggest that couples who frequently pray together are twice as likely as those who pray less often to describe their marriages as being highly romantic. Also, those who practice their religion are less likely to divorce, have higher levels of marital satisfaction, and higher levels of commitment. Having a shared belief system binds you together in the midst of dealing with problems and day-in, day-out living and loving. -- David Arp and Claudia Arp, 10 Great Dates for Empty Nesters (Zondervan)

Who says Chrisitianity is no longer relevant to our everyday life? If we truly live a Godward life (to use the title of John Piper's book), I think everything tends to happen more smoothly, isn't it? Even if it isn't smooth, one would also be able to find strength to mkae it smooth again! ... and the source of this strength is of course non other than our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!


Edwin Tay said...

Yes indeed! But i think u mean to say that "...Christianity is no longer RElevant..."?

Ignatius said...

Hi Edwin,

thanks for pointing out the error. ... an interesting way to point out error though! :) I've corrected it.


happiwife said...

you're amazing. how did you find time to write such long entries???

anyway, thanks for the encouragement. i've started a chinese blog. :)

blessings, eve

Ignatius said...

Is it linked to your present blog? I may have not noticed it! Your chinese blog's url? :)