Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How should We Respond to the Da Vinci Code?

I was reading Dr Ben Witherington's blog and found his advice on how we can & should respond to the Da Vinci Code very useful. Dr Witherington wrote this blog entry The Da Vinci Code Movie--- Are You Ready to Rumble? two days ago. Here are some of the points:

1) if you are a mature Christian well grounded in your faith and you haven't read the novel and don't really know the issues, then read it.

2) Read as well one or two of the critique books on the novel;

3) Have Sunday school lessons on the issues in the novel--- ranging from, when did the church first believe Jesus was the divine Son of God, to when was the canon formed, to what should we think of Gnosticism, to was Jesus married, and does it matter in terms of Christian doctrine?

4) Have special seminars on these subjects

5) provide congregations with hand outs or guides to read the novel by.

6) Preachers should offer topical messages of relevance on the subject.

7) Get ready for next year-- the sequel novel will be out sometime in 2007.

And if we think the Da VInci Code is not worthy of our attention, he reminds us that:

1) This novel sold 43 million in hardcopy--- a record.
2) the paperback which came out in March has already sold 6 million.

3) in 2004 this novel outsold the Bible in


Wilson Tan said...

excellent advice, indeed, from Ben and thanks for pointing it out for us! I really am very impressed with the amount of work listing all the wonderful links and blogs. Your blog will be my first place to go if i need to visit some places. Thanks. i copied some to the Synod Youth Ministry blog. Hope you don't mind.

Ignatius said...

Thanks ... Do feel free to copy
and paste materials on the Synod Youth Ministry blog.